
Android App Template for Travel


Android App Template for Travel is a ready to use Android studio based app that can be used for any kind of offline mobile app development. Fully documented and easy to change styles & Images and Text to customize it for your own purpose.

SKU: vcattt Category:

Product Description

Android App Template  for Travel is android offline App for Travel, Tourist and City guide. This App also have City, Places, and Place details in 3-4 views & also have a drawer menu for About Company, Feedback, Settings, Plans, Current location rate etc. We can provide current location of Tourist, Location of Place which you want to go, and also implemented  Admob for showing ads in app.

App Features:

  1. Material Design
  2. Drawer menu for menu items
  3. Admob Ready
  4. Splash Screen
  5. 3-4 Layouts for main layouts(Cards, Extended layout, Recycler view, Grid layout)
  6. Image Gallery
  7. Google Map
  8. Support with android studio
  9. Clean and simple Code
  10. Nice Icons


Drawer Menu: – Drawer/Left navigation menu of app. We provide with few menu items like Home, about us, my plans current location, Rate us, Settings. You can add more menu items from xml.

Splash Screen: – Splash screen is the screen which show before application start. In this screen you can show many types of background and show the app logo.

City List: – After splash screen, theme will show City list in universal menu. You can see other view of cities using click on spinner items and select the view for cities.

Places List: – Places list of places in the city, when you click on any city list it will show the list of places in city. These are provided in 3 layouts. Universal, grid layout and recyclerview with cards.

Place Detail:- it is the page which shows the about the place about it in brief show the images, nearest places like Hotel, Restaurant, Bus Stop, Realway station, Airport, Police station, Hospitals , Doctor etc. also you can see the location of place. Using click on floating button.
It also have 3 layout using spinner so you can change whatever you like.

Image Gallery:- When you click on pic of places, it will show another view for layout more detail and gallery of places. It will show more detail about the places it’s history. Also you can see more images about it. when you click on icon it will show images in a dialog.

Admob:- we added  banner Admob on main screen in the footer. Now it is showing  test banner on the screen, if you want to show test banner for your device. Get the Device TEST ID from log cat and replace the value of  TEST_DEVICE_ID in MainActivity.

Google Map: – We are using Map for show your location and show place location in theme. If you want to show your location go to the drawer menu and click on current location, it will open a new screen which will show your current location.
If you want to show place location then open place detail page and click on button which is in right bottom of the screen, click that screen it will show the location of place.

Social Sharing: Every list item having a share option to share that with popular social platform like FaceBook,Twitter & Google+.

How to use?

Android Template App for Travel is very simple to use drawer menu in this app. Go to the view sub package in the code, FragmentMenuDrawer is main view screen in it and DrawerMenuAdapter adapter we use for show the drawer menu items. If you want to add /remove icons and menu then open the string.xml from values can add menu text from “nav_drawer_travel_labels” string array “nav_drawer_travel_icons” from icons array.

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